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Caption Instagram kece dari animasi favorit

Oleh: Dinda Ayu Widiastuti - Jumat, 27 November 2020 18:24

Inilah 10 caption Instagram yang menginspirasi dari berbagai judul animasi favorit untuk postingan Instagrammu.

Caption Instagram kece dari animasi favorit
Source: Hollywood Reporter

Bukan hanya seru untuk ditonton, film animasi juga menampilkan kata-kata bijak yang menginspirasi. Inilah 10 caption Instagram yang menginspirasi dari berbagai animasi favorit, yang cocok untuk posting-an mu. 

  • "Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere." - Anton Ego, Ratatouille
  • "There is whole lot more to racing than just winning." - Tex, Cars
  • “Anything is possible when you have inner peace." - Master Shifu, Kung Fu Panda
  • "All it takes is little faith and trust." - Peter Pan
  • “The only thing that is impossible impossibility.” - Phineas, Phineas and Ferb

Source: Indie Wire

Source: Indie Wire

  • “Everybody makes a wrong turn once in a while.” - Ash Ketchum, Pokemon
  • "Wake me up when I care." - Squidward, SpongeBob Squarepants
  • "Today's Special Moments Are Tomorrow's Memories." - Genie, Aladdin
  • "Always let your conscience be your guide.” - The Blue Fairy, Pinocchio
  • "I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now." - Edna, The Incredibles
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