Caption Instagram untuk kalian yang sedang liburan
Inilah 10 caption Instagram kece yang cocok untuk melengkapi postingan liburan mu saat momen Natal ini.
Bagi kalian yang tidak merayakan Hari Raya Natal, tentunya masa liburan ini kita manfaatkan untuk pergi berlibur. Untuk kalian yang sedang menikmati masa liburan ini, kami telah merangkum 10 caption Instagram yang cocok menemani postingan kece mu.
- "Calories don’t count when you’re on vacation." - Unknown
- "Jet lag is for amateurs." - Dick Clark
- "Most people don't like to travel during the holidays. But, I'm not most people." - Unknown
- "Travel becomes a strategy for accumulating photographs." — Susan Sontag
- "Watch more sunsets than Netflix." - Unknown
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Source: Pexels
- "See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls me." - Unknown
- "You can take your five-star hotel. I’ve got a million stars in the sky here." - Unknown
- "In a relationship with: my passport." - Unknown
- "Currently living in a screensaver." - Unknown
- "Season's greetings from me and my passport." - Unknown
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