Caption Instagram untuk makan bareng saat Natal
Untuk kalian yang sedang menikmati makan malam di momen Natal, kami telah merangkum caption Instagram yang cocok untuk mu.
Makan malam bersama saat momen Natal tentu menjadi salah satu hal yang menyenangkan dilakukan. Bagaimana tidak, berkumpul dengan orang terkasih sambil menikmati momen Natal tentu menjadi hal yang istimewa. Untuk itu, kami telah merangkum 10 caption Instagram kece yang cocok untuk postingan makan malam kamu.
- "The best meals are those prepared by loving hands." - Ken Poirot
- "What did I get for Christmas? Fat, I got fat." - Unknown
- "Merry everything and a happy always." - Unknown
- "The most treasured things passed down from generation to generation are the family recipes." - Robert St. John
- "Food tastes better when you eat it with your family." - Unknown
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Source: Unsplash
- "All I want for Christmas is food." - Unknown
- "Bless the food before us, the family beside us and the love between us." - Unknown
- "The fondest memories are made gathered around a table." - Unknown
- “There is no sincere love than the love of food.” - George Bernard Shaw
- "Christmas is the day that holds all time together." - Unknown
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